Top Clinical Accessories

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Explore our collection of GE-approved clinical accessories

Our portfolio of clinical accessories was carefully curated to meet some of the highest standards of utility, performance and reliability. Click on the following products to learn about how each one meets our standards. If you’re ready to order, you can go straight to the Service Shop for a seamless shopping experience.

Anaesthesia accessories

Cardiology Accessories

    Maternal Infant Care Accessories

    Patient Monitoring Accessories

    Ventilator Accessories

    GE Healthcare Labor And Delivery Clinical Accessories

    Order from the convenience of Service Shop

    Service Shop is our e-commerce site for all things GE HealthCare. Quickly find the exact part or accessory you need, when you need it with 24/7 access to online ordering. Why buy from us? Because we know it’s a patient, not just a part, so it has to be right.
    • 24/7 access
    • 489,000 unique part numbers

